Our Services

We deliver an insider’s understanding of the issues and examine the facts through forensic video analysis and examination of law enforcement use-of-force incidents. Every case is unique, and we take the time to understand the totality of the circumstances thoroughly. Our commitment to seeking the truth and delivering reliable, expert analysis is unmatched in the industry.

Force Examination

Determining the merits of a case involving allegations of constitutional violations and controversial Use of Force calls for the expertise of a seasoned police practice expert. Videos, including body cameras, police videos, and third-party videos, do not offer a complete picture and require specialized examination for accurate interpretation. Our force reviews aim to uncover the truth and provide context to the facts while addressing perceptual distortions, police decision-making, human factors, officer performance dynamics, subject interaction, police policy, and attentional issues related to training.

Expert Witness

We offer reliable and unbiased expert written reports and testimony for legal proceedings. Our primary police practice expert, Chief Michael Lynch (Ret.), has over thirty years of law enforcement experience and a thorough understanding of police practices. His expert opinions clarify complex issues related to the use of force, police procedures, and officer conduct.

Policy Critique

We analyze existing policies and procedures, recommend improvements, and assist in developing written directives that promote ethical and practical policing. Our recommendations help agencies mitigate risk by developing compliant and actionable directives.

With the right expert in place, the facts become clear and understandable.